16  2 min
Let me tell you the stories of two of my clients. I have changed their names to ensure their anonymity.
Ivone came to me with the following problem: she attracts men easily but struggles to keep them. Everything starts off great, but, as soon as some time goes by, men disappear. She cannot possibly wrap her head around it. She feels unhappy and used.
Ivone was a beautiful woman, and I could say that with a hand on my heart. However, I also knew why men never wanted to establish long-term relationships with her. Her behavior, her style, her makeup choices… they screamed something like “I am the perfect girl for a one-night-stand!”
We began working together. We changed her style and got her a new haircut. Her appearance now allowed men to see her for who she was deep within. Within three months, she met a worthy, high-value man who proposed to her soon after. They’ve been together for two years!
The second story belongs to Lily. When she first came to me, she was unable to attract men, much less keep them. She hadn’t had sex in ages, and she was at the edge of depression. She wished for happiness and children, and yet she feared she’d die alone.
If I could describe her to you, I’d say she was scared, timid, worried. She was the epitome of anxiety the first time I met her! She did not like herself and believed she was below average. She had low standards and expectations, which only fuelled her desperation.
Together, we worked on her sense of self, helping her establish greater trust in herself. We also did different practices to allow her to fall in love with herself, increase her confidence, and unlock her sexuality. I showed her how to emphasize her strong sides and how to become interesting for men. I also taught her the things she should never do on a first date.
Today, Lily has many suitors, all of them smart, successful, and attractive. For the first time in her life, she is a magnet for men, able to pick and choose whomever she wants.
I know that some of you will relate to Ivone, and others to Lily.
If you desire to experience a similar transformation in your own life; if you wish to distinguish high-value men from low-value men; if you long to become the woman of all men’s dress; if you want to understand how to attract and keep different men,
Join our new ONLINE MARATHON “High-Value Men Find High-Value Women.”
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, family therapist, author
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