Test: What Type of Man Do You Have By Your Side? Are You Compatible?
126  12 min
A while back, I based this test on the knowledge and principles shared in Carl G. Jung’s The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. To this day, over 70 years after their creation, Jung’s theories are much appreciated by psychologists. They are widely used, especially by personality psychologists, who seek to typify various groups of people through them.
This particular test has two parts. The first, which you can find here, allows you to understand yourself, note your strengths and weaknesses, and figure out what you could change about yourself to lead a more harmonious life. It also gives you guidance regarding the romantic partners you should seek, as well as the types of people you’d best work with in a business environment. The second reveals the type of man your current partner is–or the man you’ve got in your sights. Once you discover his dominant archetype, you’ll find many answers about the nature of your connection.
A piece of advice: to make this test as objective as possible, have your partner take it for himself or ask him questions as you fill it out.
As you go through the test, make sure to pick one of the four options: a, b, c or d.
1. What figure does your man like best?
А – Richard Branson
В – Alfred Hitchcock
С – David Beckham
D – Vladimir Putin
2. How does your man like to dress?
А – He has to feel free in his clothes; he’s often dressed in athletic gear that he could wear outdoors when hiking or when at the gym. He likes expensive watches, and leather jackets, and has an overall rougher masculine style of clothing.
В – Comfortably. Comfort is what matters most to him, and he buys clothes quickly and easily. His wife is often the one to buy clothes for him. A pair of jeans and a T-shirt are his favourite attire.
С – He doesn’t want his clothes to be too costly; even so, they have to look good and be of good quality. Bonus points if they’re from a nice brand. He has great taste and knows how to mix and match clothes. He wears bright colours.
D – He wears conservative clothes in one colour. Suits are common. Tie and a shirt follow. This man can often be found in a uniform or in a suit. He has a certain brand that he’s worn for years, both because he likes it and because the brand speaks to his social status.
3. If he were to describe the ideal woman, he’d describe her as…
А – She admires him. She’s a good housewife, and she’s dependable. He knows he can rely on her. What matters is that she takes care of the children and runs the home. She likes to stay in the background. She’s good-natured and usually enjoys cooking and taking care of others. She’s not too ostentatious. She dresses in long skirts and dresses, often in neutral colours.
В – Intelligent, smart, self-assured, capable, successful. She’s got a good career, and she can be relied upon. She’s practical and controlling. She is the one who picks the spot for the next vacation, the school for the kids, and the positions they’ll enjoy in the bedroom.
С- Bright, energetic, self-sufficient, attractive, and wanted. She’s desirable and highly seggsual. Such women are often business ladies. They know how to make money. They are very freedom-oriented.
D – Beautiful and docile, emotional and submissive. She’s well-groomed and a little bit spoiled. She does what says. She’s necessarily very emotional, sensitive, and even a bit needy.
4. His prime value is…
А – Freedom–encountering new things and perhaps starting a revolution. He does what he wants. He’s always ready to take a risk. These men move abroad. They learn new languages and build businesses from scratch. If your man is of this kind, he’ll have many ideas. He’ll be great at delegating tasks and building empires. He’ll do everything he has to achieve his task. Such men are often businessmen; they cannot stand having a boss. They like to take responsibility; sometimes they push the boundaries of the law.
В – His inner world and his creativity. This man wants to be left alone, just so he can do what he wants. He likes thinking a lot and talking a little. He feels most comfortable when he’s on his own. He doesn’t want others overstepping his boundaries. Money doesn’t mean that much. He wants to be recognised for what he does.
С – Money, his wife, his children, and his home. Women are really important to this type of man. They often work together. His woman may even support him financially! What matters is that she’s happy. She’s often his muse. He’s very attached to his family. These men make great fathers. Money matters to them. If they don’t have money, they feel bad. That’s what motivates them to earn a nice sum.
D – Power. Many politicians and government workers fall into that category. They love security and stability. Men like that often work in large corporations, slowly climbing up the corporate ladder. They like to manage teams of people, and they’re good at it. They like to build businesses, communicate with others, and achieve their goals. They are strong men and they know what they want.
•5. He dreams of…
А – His own business and unlimited freedom! These men cannot submit to others. They want to have their own company and follow their mission, to travel the world and see new things. They like novel things and ideas, and they strive to create unprecedented things.
В – Creating something and using his creativity to contribute to the world. He may create books, plays, photos, programs, inventions, etc.
С – Money, a beautiful house, a beautiful woman, and luxury!
D – A large company that he manages. He needs to be on top of the dominance hierarchy.
•6. How does he like to spend his free time?
А – He likes to party and have fun. He enjoys communicating with others or even doing extreme sports.
В – He enjoys reading interesting books, watching movies, thinking, and exercising his creativity.
С – He likes having seggs with a beautiful woman on a luxurious holiday. He likes luxury, restaurants, and massages.
D – He enjoys reading in the company of his wife, usually somewhere beautiful.
•7. To him, work is…
А – His life’s mission. His work is a success, a challenge, and an opportunity to prove himself. He enjoys working and he sees it as a way to show off.
В – Creativity and self-actualisation–something he enjoys doing.
С – A means of making money.
D – Power, authority, and proof that he’s the boss. His work stands at the foundation of his life. He uses it to prove himself.
•8. To him, family is…
А – Something important, primarily because of his children! Yes, he’s got other things on his plate, too.
В – He has to have a family but he’s not responsible for it.
С – Everything! He adores his wife and children, and he cannot imagine his life without his family.
D – He loves his family and he takes care of it, mostly by providing the necessary resources.
•9. To him, money is…
А – What gives him an opportunity to travel, look good, invest in his mission, and develop his business?
В – Something he needs to live and provide for his family. But, other than that, money isn’t that important.
С – He never has enough money! He always wants more money so he can gain material possessions and luxury.
D – An equivalent to his success. Money matters to him.
•10. To him, seggs is…
А – Extremely important. He’s got a lot of seggsual energy, and he enjoys flirting. He likes going out with beautiful women. He’s prone to polygamy and slightly egotistical in bed. He may be rough.
В – Not the goal of his life. Obviously, he enjoys it, particularly tantra, but he doesn’t live for it.
С – An experience. He enjoys seggs, he likes seggs, and he appreciates it. Even so, he’s not a seggs addict. What matters is that his partner likes him and feels drawn to him.
D – Important. He cannot imagine life without it.
•11. If you want to get something from him, you need to be…
А – Soft. I need to convince him I really need this. And I should always ask for more than I need. In this way, I’ll get what I need. With men like that, you need to elucidate your needs and do so when they’re in a good mood. You can also capitalise on their feelings of guilt; that’s when they’re likely to give you stuff.
В – Specific. You need to show him exactly what you want and often go with him to buy it.
С – His muse. He only gives to those women whom he loves and who are far stronger and more successful than him. If his wife is vulnerable and needy, he finds that repulsive. He only gives and provides to his muse.
D – Emotional. He’ll give me everything I want as long as that makes me happy. But I need to stress how getting that thing would make me feel.
•12. He’d be repulsed by a woman if…
А – She does not listen to him and refuses to follow him. He’s put off by poor housemakers. He’s also put off by those who are too strong and blame him for stuff. These men don’t like women who try to restrict or control them.
В – She’s stupid, unable to take responsibility for their children and their home. He gets annoyed by women who don’t work and make too much noise. They tend to seek their mother’s image in their female partners.
С – She’s dependent on him. He is also put off if a woman feels he owes her something and if she sits at home, waiting for him to provide everything.
D – She’s unattractive and not groomed properly. These men are repulsed by women who don’t love seggs and who are not sensual. He cannot stand emancipated women. He also cannot stand women who try to control him and tell him what to do.
•13. If you were to describe him with a few words, what would you say?
А – A macho. He’s strong, interesting, and yet difficult to be in a relationship with. He has a lot of male friends. He’s got hobbies and an active lifestyle.
В – Calm, intelligent, lazy at times.
С – Smart, unpredictable, mercurian in nature, thoughtful, always sees the silver lining. He likes sales
D – Great, magnificent, successful. He’s achieved a lot and he knows exactly what he wants. He likes to be in charge and he thinks his opinion should be accepted by all.
•14. What’s he working towards?
А – His own business. He wants to work for himself and he can not stand having a boss. He wants freedom. He loves nature.
В – He wants to be creative. He may craft programs, paintings, music, plays, books, etc. He may even work in the IT sector. Writers, doctors, and intellectuals fall into this category. Such men work in solitude.
С – Sales! He’s managing a hotel chain or restaurants. He is the manager at a spa centre or works in the advertising industry. He may even be an actor. He’s extroverted, and he meets a lot of people on a daily basis.
D – Politics. He’s in a high position in the army or in the government. He may be a policeman or a firefighter.
•15. What scares him most?
А – Not having freedom and being unable to do what he wants.
В – Being unable to actualise his dreams and creative pursuits.
С – Going bankrupt and losing his wife and family.
D – Being unable to control and command people and organisations.
Result: Check how many As, Bs, Cs, and Ds you have. The predominant letter is the main archetype of your man. The least common letter is what he lacks or what he does not care to develop.
Type A: Entrepreneur
About him: He likes new things. He doesn’t like sitting in one place. What matters to him most is that he’s got his own business. He is a businessman who’s capable of establishing successful companies. To an extent, he views life as a stage. He likes to be under the spotlight. Christopher Columbus and other explorers fall into this type. These men like to experiment and do what no one has done before.
On one side, societal rules and expectations matter to them; on the other, they like to break them. These men change jobs and countries with pleasure. They enjoy various types of sports. They are always searching for themselves. They talk a lot, mostly about themselves.
They tend to dress in modern clothing and wear nice cologne. They like to take care of their appearance. They enjoy luxury. To them, family is their safe haven, where they return after long days or even storms of passion.
Strengths: He’s creative and brave. He likes taking risks. If there were no people like him, we’d have likely never found out about America! He’s so fun and enjoyable to have around, especially at parties. He is the life of the party. That’s why he’s got many friends and acquaintances.
Weaknesses: He does not necessarily bring things to an end. Other people’s opinions matter too much. He’s not that good of a family man, because he’s egocentric and his wishes always come first. He’s prone to polygamy. He likes to live a life full of risk. These men enjoy travelling with their guy friends, and you should never restrict them when they want to do that.
The types of women who are most suitable for him: Such men like women who are a girl-mother archetype. These women admire them and are ready to hear them talk for hours. They take care of the home and the family when their men are away, exploring the world. That’s why women who are mother/housewife archetypes are perfect for them. These men can be friends with women of the Queen archetype but they could never become romantically involved and be successful in love. These men are attracted by lover-archetype women but, as they’re both addicted to attention and admiration but unwilling to compromise, their relationship does not work out either; a dalliance is the farthest they’ll go together.
Famous Men: Richard Branson.
Movie: Aviator.
Type В – Creator
About him: These men value their inner world and feel comfortable there. They are intelligent, deep, and have tons of potential. They know what they want and they strive after it at their own pace. They fall in love once and for life, but their partner is not at the foundation of their life. These men value self-actualisation, balance, and peace. They treasure their personal space and they don’t let anyone enter it. These men work as painters, musicians, writers, journalists, and IT specialists. They love deep conversations and dislike superficial people. They don’t care how they’re dressed, and they’re usually not well-groomed.
Strengths: These men are stable, loyal, and deep. They are easy to live with, as they give their partners freedom (and expect the same in return). They want their partners to keep quiet when they work. Women love them very much, and their relationships often develop and grow into marriage. These men make loyal husbands and caring fathers.
Weaknesses: These men are too slow to act. They sometimes lack ambition and inner faith. They cannot always make a woman laugh, and they often sense their partners are bored around them. These men do not take initiative, and they need to be led and directed. Sometimes, they don’t make their dreams come true, remaining in the position of unfulfilled men.
The types of women who are most suitable for him: Women who fall under the Queen-Mother archetype are most suitable for him. These women make the best wives. They give these men great financial backing and let them live the way they like. They make sure the house is tidy and well-stocked, and that the children are taken care of. He could potentially have a relationship with a woman who falls under the Girl Archetype, but it would be difficult; both of them, after all, need help and support. These men find Lover Archetype women attractive but they cannot match these women’s seggsual drive.
Famous Men: Alfred Hitchcock and Salvador Dali.
Movie: Hitchcock.
Type C – Trader/Merchant.
About him: These men are adventurous, active, and willing to try tons of new things. They dream of a happy family, and they love spending time with their women and children. They are quick thinkers, always ready to strike a deal and do something that benefits them. Naturally, the deals he strikes are sometimes also beneficial for his partners and his clients. These men love to learn and find great value in developing new skills and abilities. They invest in themselves readily. These men find money to be of prime importance. They love talking about money, sales, business, and success. They also often discuss how much their clothes cost, how much their car was, and how the latest luxury getaway went.
Strengths: These men are smart, successful, and quick on their feet. They love to take risks in business. They are adaptable to change. These men solve all their problems, seeing moments of crisis as opportunities. They never stop. They make great fathers, who are very dedicated to their families and their wives.
Weaknesses: They are often left without money, mostly because they don’t know how to budget and spend money emotionally. They think about money a lot and grow dependent on it. That’s why he repulses the energy of money. They love strong women; if you’re weak, he will leave you at your lowest.
The types of women who are most suitable for him: These men like to keep entertained. It’s no wonder the Queen-Lover Archetype is his best match. These women are beautiful, strong, successful, and freedom-oriented. They are the only ones who can keep his interest. The Merchant Archetype is scared to lose them. He loves bitches and women who set clear boundaries. He likes it when women show him he’s wrong. Of course, he won’t find it easy to be with them. But he likes it when it’s hard. He doesn’t do well with Girl Archetype women; they annoy him with his vulnerability and emotionality. Mother-Archetype women, on the other hand, have nothing in common with him, which makes it hard for him to relate to them and like them.
Famous Men: Will Smith.
Movie: Focus.
Type D – Ruler
About him: These men like power and authority; that’s what matters most to them. They like to be in charge, they know they are good at that. These men are conservative and, naturally, often married, even if they don’t have all that many feelings towards their wives. They don’t like divorce–not unless a new woman shows up. They want women to appreciate their qualities and they hate talking about money. These men like to have fun, to be entertained. They like young, beautiful women. They are great at courting women. These men like to give their ladies expensive gifts and make them happy. They are very caring. People want to work with them! Women dream to marry them. Men respect them. Usually, their friends are not just friends but also business (or sports) partners. Yet, these men are difficult to be married to. There is just one opinion they allow: their own opinion. It’s pretty much their way or the highway. Their women need to submit and follow them.
Strengths: He’s smart, authoritative, and dominant. He inspired awe and respect in others. People expect him to order them around and support them. He likes to be first. If he does something, he necessarily brings it to an end. He is always professional. He achieves a lot, all thanks to his inner strength and his desire to work hard. He’s stern with himself and with others.
Weaknesses: He’s got a few weaknesses! At times, he may lack humanity and the ability to forgive. Not everyone is as strong and capable as he is…
The types of women who are most suitable for him: These men do best with women who are Girl-Lover Archetypes. They enjoy these women’s sensuality and their admiration towards him. These men establish great business relationships with Queen Archetype women, whom they respect. These men don’t get along with Mother Archetype women, as they think there are cleaners and cooks who can do the housework. Their wives need to be beautiful; they are not attracted to Cinderellas. These men want and choose to live with a princess.
Famous Men: most politicians, Vladimir Putin included.
Movie: The King’s Speech.
For more, stay tuned and read my upcoming blog posts.
All the best,
Natalia Kobylkina