20  2 min
Establishing a real connection with someone romantically, emotionally, and physically can be really amazing. But there’s a lot of work that goes into building it.
In a healthy relationship, both people feel good and happy. Sometimes there are signs that you just need to watch out for. Learn what really blocks you from having the dream relationship.
For women:
- You’re more successful than your partner. Men struggle to have a partner who’s got a better career than they do.
- You neglect your husband for the sake of your children. You solely focus on your children, destroying your romantic connection in return.
- You prioritize people over your partner. To have a happy relationship, you have to put your partner first—after yourself, of course.
- You’re not a good housewife. Though this may not be a problem for all men, a lot of men would expect you to take care of the home, cook, and clean. Determine your partner’s needs and figure out if he wants and needs you to take care of him and your home.
- You don’t take care of yourself. You’re too busy to get a manicure and a pedicure—or to do your hair. You don’t pamper yourself. Remember: you cannot pour from an empty cup. Only happy women can give energy, love, and affection to their families; unhappy women, after all, don’t have anything left to give!
For men:
- Your only focus is work. You work so much that you ignore your partner, your children, and your family. This will doom your relationship to failure.
For both genders:
- When you try to work on a project together, but one of you grows increasingly successful and the other does not, this causes great distress to your relationship.
- Your parents’ influence and intervention can also wreak havoc in your romantic relationship. Limit your interactions with your parents; don’t speak with them every single day. You need to create some distance between yourself and your parents.
- Your relationship will also suffer if you experience seggsual problems, such as lack of seggsual desire, cheating, and seggsual trauma.
To establish healthy, harmonious relationships, you should become happy with yourself first. You may not know how to do so. I understand. Here are some tips:
If you, as a woman, would like to establish a lasting romantic relationship, you can:
- Invest in and pamper yourself. Go to the gym. Take a bath. Read books. Buy yourself flowers. Do what makes YOU happy.
- Stop looking for the ideal partner. Prince Charming does not exist. Nobody is perfect.
- Recognize your values and understand your wildest wishes.
- Permit yourself to be happy.
If you want to improve your relationship with your partner, make sure to find shared hobbies, interests, and activities. Spend quality time together. Be present. Embrace your sensuality and thrive in your seggsuality! Fill yourself with love. Send love to everything and everyone!
To learn more, check out my trademark program “The Path of the Happy Woman.” Now’s your time to find new models of behavior, change your mindset, and become a happier woman!
If you wish to know more in-depth I highly recommended my specially selected programs:
- Geisha I: heal.
- The Path of the Happy Woman: be happy.
- Demo Academy for Trainers: give yourself a chance to have freedom and a better career.
- Personal Sessions: solve all your problems.
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, family therapist, author
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