12  3 min
Say this out loud: “I am a happy person. I am a happy man/woman. I am a happy professional and love working in my field of choice.”
Notice how you feel when verbalizing these sentences. Different thoughts will float to your mind. “Yes, that is true,” you may think. “No, I am an unhappy person,” you also may retort.
- Happiness is a state of mind. Centered around your character, actions, and attitudes, your happiness depends on you!
In order to be happy, you’ve got to establish a sense of balance. You cannot let external events affect you too much—or worse, throw you off balance. Happy people remain calm, composed, and confident despite the difficulties they face. Happy people maintain their sense of balance by trusting those around them—by having faith in their friends, family, and, of course, the Universe.A piece of advice: Close your eyes and recall a moment when you felt at peace. You can also remember a moment when you felt proud of yourself. Locate the feeling in your body. Now, place your hand on top of that place. Ask yourself: where is the center of my body? What is the place that helps me connect with the source of my energy and my soul? Let your hand rest on that place. Submerge yourself in the feeling of peace and confidence. If you’ve set the rules correctly, you will experience those positive emotions. If not—do this exercise yet again. - Be grateful and act as if you already have everything you desire. Do not let your dissatisfaction control you.
A piece of advice: Before making a decision, sit down and consider your motivations and the intended outcome. Imagine you already have what you want. If you’re searching for a job, imagine you already have tons of money. If you’re looking for a partner, imagine you already have a partner and a regular sex life. If you had these resources, would you still choose this job or this partner? - Recognize your desires and visualize!Imagine that a fairy appears to you, and you could wish for anything. What would you ask for? Describe it! Be as detailed as possible. Then, once you’ve described what you want, explain what you would do once you get that thing. Note how you will spend your time: What will you do after you wake up? What will you do after lunch? What are your habits? Who do you spend time with? Describe everything! Do this for 100 days, for five minutes (or more) every single day. The change will come within 30 days! Just do it and enjoy the results.
- Enjoy what you have and notice the signs!
Craft a list of 100 things that you already have. Note why they make you happy. Start your sentences with phrases like “I am grateful for” and then describe what you’re grateful for. You can be grateful for your new home, car, bag, watch, gym membership, etc. You can be grateful for the new car of your best friend—or your sister’s new job! Say this out loud: “I am thankful for this. I am thankful for all of you. Your successes show that I, too, live at a vibration.”Pay attention to billboards, random words you hear from random people, book titles, movie scenes, as all of these are signs for you. The universe uses them to tell you something about the path you’ve taken! - Liberate Yourself from Familial Models of Behaviour
If you feel as if you’re repeating the mistakes and actions of your parents, this means you probably have a negative familial program—a template of actions that just keeps repeating, generation after generation. To cut the vicious cycle of repeating the mistakes of your kin, you should seek professional help. Find a way to liberate yourself from the grip of generational trauma! Our courses, “Geisha 2” and “10 Secrets of the Rich,” will help you do that.A piece of advice: Recognize and acknowledge your problems. Note them down. Share them with a specialist if you go to therapy. - Examine Your Social Circle
Make a list of the people you spend time with. Note if these people share your values. Also, create a list of the people who have become very successful and are an authority for you. Finally, conceive a list of those people who are falling behind—those who are always dissatisfied, negative, and unhappy. Write down how much time you spend with each of these groups—and people—every week. Whom do you prioritize, and whom do you avoid? Begin this exercise by noting the individuals that urge you forward. Conclude the exercise by examining the people who drag you backward; find a way to spend less time with them.
Finally, remember that happiness should not be the end goal of your life. Happiness is just the beginning. Life begins when you discover your true self!
To find yourself, join our course “Geisha 2— The Happy Woman!”
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, family therapist, author
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