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This is a VIP Geisha program for women who want to learn. The VIP program includes Individual Constellations from Natalia.
The true woman is happy, she radiates joy and light. She balances the desire to give and receive. Men feel energized and more successful around her, they want to show their masculine qualities when with her: to protect, to succeed, to give.
The main requirement for you to become a true woman is to learn to love unconditionally and to be loved, to live in harmony with your feelings. This can be achieved only by a woman who has released her fears and complexes. The True Women believes she deserves the best things in life, she asks freely for these and receives them. The most important thing is that everything in her life happens with EASE!
The secret of the True woman is in her special inner state of beauty, dignity, and femininity. The True woman has the amazing ability to be very gentle and caring towards herself and towards others, to understand, love, and accept herself and her partner. She possesses inner discipline and treats her feelings and desires with respect. All of this allows her to be happy. We will discover the secret which will make a desired and happy woman.
Family therapist, Sexologist, Author of books for Relationships and Sex, Most Influential Person on the Social Media for 2018. Natalia is a renowned and world-famous sexologist and family therapist, who delivers training on happy relationships, sex, and living life in abundance.
With her live seminars and online webinars, Natalia has transformed the lives of people from over 150 countries around the world.
Her dedication, effectiveness, and loyalty to work deep with people make her unique to bring fast results and ways to transform you!!!
She creates more and more fans worldwide with over 3000 training sessions for women, men, and married couples in the UK, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Thailand, Brazil, etc.
Her individual coaching sessions exceed 10,000 hours. Natalia is the author of several bestsellers.
Some of her most successful books are “A Woman’s Guide to Happiness”, “69 Sex Tips” and “33 Days to the Dream” with more than 10,000 copies.
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