211  3 min
“The ability to experience orgasm is mainly determined by personality traits rather than sexual technique.”
The female orgasm… There’s no person on Earth, regardless of gender, who would approach this topic without emotions. The number of fortunate “owners” of orgasms is limited, those who proudly raise their heads and talk about how easily and quickly they reach climax.
All the rest who haven’t experienced this moment yet avoid discussing the topic and say that besides intimacy, there are more important things in life: children, work, and home.
According to statistics, 90% of men claim that their partners almost always achieve orgasm. In reality, only 40-50% of women experience vaginal orgasm with a partner, while 80-90% achieve clitoral orgasm during Self-pleasure. Where is the truth hidden?
The nature of orgasm
The female 0rgasm… It has been studied by hundreds of scholars, yet there is still no consensus. Why is it so challenging to define what a “female 0rgasm” means? What should a woman do or not do to experience it regularly?
Which man wouldn’t want to hear from his partner: darling, stop, I can’t take it anymore… yes… I’m reaching it!
Let’s look back in history. Years ago, according to societal norms, the possibility for a woman to experience an orgasm and express her emotions in bed was extraordinary and improper. Only women from lower social classes or mistresses, courtesans, etc., could afford to experience orgasm and express their emotions. According to statistics, in 1920 women experienced orgasms three times less frequently than women in 1950 and ten times less frequently than contemporary women.
Today, a woman MUST experience orgasm. And this word MUST make men strive to induce it, while the woman, on her part, MUST STRIVE to achieve it…
This leads to a sort of artificial game, where each person tries not so much for their own pleasure but to prove to their partner that everything is fine with them. In this way, men prove that they are good in bed, while she proves to him that she is super-sexual.
Ultimately, tension builds up, and it’s quite difficult to achieve an orgasm when you’re under stress. That’s why sometimes she fails to achieve it (after so much stress, it’s natural), and she simulates the orgasm. The man rarely knows whether she has finished or not, so he insecurely asks at the end: did you finish?
She quickly responds “Yes.” Men are happy, and they quickly reach their climax. Everyone plays their part in satisfaction. She doesn’t want to tell him that she’s faking it, and he doesn’t want to find out if she really reached the peak or if she’s just pretending.
What are the consequences when a woman doesn’t finish?
Physiological consequences. Pain in the lower abdomen, and sometimes in the lower back. The main reason is that blood flows to the muscles of the pelvis but doesn’t find an exit. This leads to blood congestion. Men also experience similar conditions.
These manifest as pain in the testicles if they have been highly aroused and haven’t finished. If this repeats regularly, women can develop uterine fibroids, premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovaries, and uterine bleeding. Such women are more prone to catching various infections and other issues related to female physiology.
Emotional consequences. The main reason for neurosis is rooted in a woman’s dissatisfaction. Other possible states include depression, bad mood, headaches, and irritability.
Social consequences. Women who don’t experience orgasms often don’t have partners, or even if they do, the relationship is built on mutual manipulation or the man regularly cheats. Also, the productivity of an unsatisfied woman at work significantly decreases.
Psychological consequences. A woman who doesn’t experience orgasms feels inadequate and almost always struggles with self-confidence.
That’s why the female orgasm is one of the most important pleasures in life. And each of us could experience it, as long as we want to.
To enjoy intimacy and experience orgasms regularly, take the online workshop Female Pleasure – Uncovering Intimate Sensations
With love,
Natalia Kobylkina