The Most Seductive Women in History & how you can become one of them
751  2 min
From a young age, I’ve observed women, trying to decode what makes them special. Why are some women more beautiful than others? Why are objectively uglier women often more successful with men? What makes a woman desirable? What is a woman’s true power?
There’s an endless list of questions I’ve asked myself. At first, I couldn’t find the answers. I simply didn’t know. No matter how good of an observer I was, I lacked the life experience (or the expertise) to determine what made a woman irresistible.
“Watch old movies,” a friend once advised me. She, too, had been studying feminine beauty. “Observe the women. You’ll get your answers, trust me.”
I doubted it, but I had little to lose. I first watched the 1963 version of Cleopatra when I was 16. Elizabeth Taylor was the epitome of femininity; meanwhile, the character she impersonated, Pharaoh Cleopatra herself, had been the symbol of seductiveness and feminine cunning for centuries. Could I ever be like them? How did they become the women they were?
Cleopatra had been clearly seductive enough to seduce the two most powerful men of her time, and Elizabeth Taylor’s beauty lived on into the present. These women, I thought, could hold the answers I needed.
I read a ton about them. I watched all of Taylor’s movies–as well as those of her contemporaries. That was my true encounter with femininity, a word whose definition used to puzzle me.
Feminine women, I understood, had a special aura about them. They were soft, sure, but they were also assertive. That enabled them to seduce powerful men and protect their interests; Marilyn Monroe was a clear example of that. They were also calm and seemingly unhurried as if they had all the time in the world. They dressed well, and they had a special sway in their hips; some, Audrey Hepburn included, full-on waltzed instead of walking. Their gestures were measured, their smiles trained, and their hair pulled into elaborate hairstyles.
I could learn that, I convinced myself. But could I learn to trust? Could I learn to make myself vulnerable, as they did, and to take risks? Could I learn to let others lead and follow? Could I learn to let go of control and trust life had the best in store for me?
You see… the key to femininity was not anything physical. It was the state of mind a woman was in. It was her ability to believe, trust, and let go. It was her desire to love and accept everything that life would present her with.
That was NOT an easy task. It took me years to align myself with the feminine state of mind and harness my feminine energy. I tried a range of different methods, a lot of which turned futile. But I achieved it.
And I am here to help you do the same. In my upcoming program, How to Increase Your Feminine Energy, I will teach you everything I’ve learned and observed about feminine energy. I will help you transform your mindset, behaviour, and even your appearance to become one of the most seductively feminine women in history.
Well, will you join me? Sign up for my 5-day challenge. HERE >
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, family therapist, author
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