206  3 min
As the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung theorized, all of us embody an archetype. Inspired by his theory of archetypes, I created my own system, which categorized both men and women in a set of four categories.
According to my sister, women fall into four archetypes: girl, lover, queen, and mother. Most women have two prominent archetypes and two more which stay in the background! Every archetype has its strengths and its weaknesses, just as it has a shadow. Still, those of you who manage to develop and incorporate all four archetypes into their characters thrive in all aspects of their lives!
Girl Archetype. When we conclude that a woman’s dominant archetype is the archetype of a girl, we mean that she is very optimistic, excited, energetic, innocent, youthful, and playful.
Shadow: A woman whose girl archetype is in shadow can become susceptible to manipulation. She may try too hard to please others. She may grow dependent on her partner. She may also become attracted to dangerous situations—and dangerous men.
A few tips to develop your girl archetype. You can unleash your creative energy: write, draw, pain. Create with your hands. You can also try to think outside of the box, doing things you never expected to do. Try to surprise yourself with your actions. Flee your comfort zone. You can also play, dance, and have more fun!
How to utilize this archetype in a business setting: when we ask our colleagues and mentors for help, we inevitably step into the girl archetype. Therefore, remember to evoke your inner girl each time you need extra guidance and support at the workplace.
Lover Archetype. A woman whose most dominant archetype is the archetype of a lover is confident and passionate. She exudes magnetism. She is open to experience—to receive pleasure! She adores her body and expresses her sensuality.
Shadow: You can become controlling and attract unnecessary drama. A woman who is in the shadow of the Lover Archetype may use her sensuality to manipulate men. She may be overly vain, demanding, and prone to constantly comparing herself to others. She may not have any self-love, and she may have a twisted understanding of her physical appearance.
A few tips to develop your Lover Archetype. Practice self-love. Develop your confidence. Work with a therapist to heal from trauma. Wear clothes that make you feel attractive. Meditate and enjoy the present moment.
How to utilize this archetype in a business setting: in business, we often rely on our lover archetype, especially when we need to “attract and seduce” customers, start a new project with great passion and energy, or evoke our creative spirit!
Queen Archetype. These women are strong. They possess clear leadership qualities. They happily take on responsibility and go after their goals. They try to develop themselves and do not find time to complain, whine, or be negative.
Shadow: Prone to gossip, a woman in the shadow of the Lover Archetype may become overly controlling. This is a result of her pursuit of perfection. She may feel threatened by others and become blinded by jealousy.
A few tips to develop your Queen Archetype. Invest in your self-growth. Attend seminars and read books. Hone your sense of confidence. Try to take decisions more quickly and bravely.
How to utilize this archetype in a business setting: we need to draw on our inner queen when we negotiate with others and when we sign contracts. We also need to embody the queen when conceiving new ideas and plans for our company!
Mother Archetype. Caring and compassionate, these women try to protect and nurture everyone around them. Women with a dominant Mother Archetype are altruistic, putting the needs of others before their own.
Shadow: A woman who enters the shadow of the Mother Archetype may end up tired, exhausted, and depleted of energy. She may neglect herself to a point where she forgets her own identity—her role as a woman. A woman who enters the shadow of the Mother Archetype may also become controlling, unable to let her children go.
A few tips to develop your Mother Archetype. Connect with your family. Spend time in nature. Heal from trauma—related to your mother—and cut the vicious cycle of pain and unhappiness.
How to utilize this archetype in a business setting: we rely on our inner mothers when we strive to foster a sense of security and stability in the workplace. We also embody this archetype when mentoring younger colleagues and helping them settle in the workplace!
Fulfilled, happy women have successfully developed all four archetypes! To become successful in both your career and in your relationships, you should master the art of transitioning from one archetype into the other. Step into the archetype of a girl and receive help, support, and guidance. Embody the archetype of a lover and seduce both the desired partners and the chosen man. Be a queen and set clear standards to receive what you crave. Finally, evoke the mother and help others forward, establishing a newfound sense of security and stability in both your personal and in your professional environments.
To do so, subscribe to my YouTube channel and welcome to my courses for the development of each of these four archetypes!
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, family therapist, author
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