30  2 min
Take this test to see how happy you are. Answer the questions and record how many times you answer them with a “yes!”
- Happy women are always in tune with themselves. This does not mean happy women don’t have problems. They simply accept them, solve them, and move on. Does this describe you?
- Happy women don’t pretend to be able to do it all. They show their emotions and do not fear being vulnerable. They cry when sad and laugh when happy. Does this describe you?
- Happy women put themselves first. They ask themselves a crucial question, “What do I want?” and then proceed to fulfil their desires. Does this describe you?
- Happy women understand we cannot always know what we want. Therefore, these women seek signs and messages from the universe when unsure. Does this describe you?
- Happy women are not scared of failure. They’re not perfectionistic. They strive towards honesty, truthfulness, and happiness. Does this describe you?
- Happy women know how to rest. They do not judge themselves for taking some time off to relax and do nothing. These women accept themselves and avoid self-judgement. Does this describe you?
- Happy women live in the moment. They do not dwell in their pasts or in their fantasies. They do not sit around, waiting to be saved by a certain Prince Charming. Happy women are satisfied with the present. Does this describe you?
- Happy women can request help. They communicate their needs and boundaries clearly. Does this describe you?
- Happy women exude light. People are pleased to be around them. Does this describe you?
- Happy women never stop growing. They love personal development and realize change is inevitable. Does this describe you?
- Happy women look their best and take care of themselves. Does this describe you?
- Happy women get involved with activities that inspire them. Though these activities vary from woman to woman, they can include raising children, working, or travelling. The options are endless and equally valid—as long as they charge women with powerful, positive energy. Does this describe you?
- Happy women don’t feel obliged to have perfect relationships—or any romantic relationships at all. These women realize they are just as worthy and high value when they’re single. Does this describe you?
- Happy women always find time for themselves. Does this describe you
Happy women are themselves! Does this describe you?
How many times did you squeak “yes!”? That’s how many points you have.
If you have between 0 and 5 points: You are in a pressing need for change!
If you have between 5 and 10 points: You’re on the right path. Examine what small changes you could make to improve.
If you have between 10 and 15 points: Congratulations! You are a Happy Woman! Why are you taking this test at all? Are you trying to kill time? Join our course “The Path of the Happy Woman.”
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, family therapist, author
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