34  3 min
I have always believed that the purpose of life is to enjoy it and to create. I believe that each of us deserves and CAN have everything he wants.
I often hear my relatives ask me: “Everything works out for you with ease! How are you doing it?”. The truth is that this has not always been the case, but thanks to my teachers I have learned to live in the stream – something few people do.
Let me explain. There are three types of people:
The victim lives in the role of eternal suffering, and self-pitying. They are the ones you will often hear complaining, “Oh, why me!”
The achiever does everything possible. Yes, they succeed, but they lose the balance in their lives, they are often overtired and unhappy, they have no time for themselves. In short, things work out for them, but hard, with a lot of effort.
The third is that small group of people who know how to live in the stream. They follow their heart and mission, they know how to handle energy and just wish for something – it happens.
In order to enter the stream and receive with ease, you must learn to live with ease, to let go of the unnecessary things – the ones that weigh down your energy.
What you have to give up to live in the stream:
- The desire of control
- The bare truth is that we can’t control everything, on the contrary – it’s as if the more we try to control, the more things slip away from us and we have the feeling that nothing is going according to plan. We are disappointed without thinking that maybe the universe has a better plan. So let go of control and start trusting life.
- The complaints
- This is especially true for people of the first type. Remember that at any given moment you have a choice – to focus on the negative, suffering that you do not have what you want, or to practice gratitude for what you already have, without giving up your goal to go further.
- Negative thoughts
- According to research, our brain generates an average of over 6,000 thoughts a day. Many of them are the inner monologues that each of us have. Our thoughts are energy, so imagine what vibration you would generate if those 6,000 thoughts were negative. What will they attract in your life? If you want to live in the flow and attract with ease, strive to think positively.
- Stressful relationships
- Most people are brought up to help others, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The problem comes when this sense of duty traps us in negative, dependent and exhausting relationships. Sometimes it’s about people you want to help but who can’t be saved because their lesson is to learn to handle themselves. Other times may be the so-called energy vampires.
- The past
- When it comes to attraction, clinging to the past can be disastrous. Stop scrolling through your past experiences like an old tape, blaming yourself for mistakes or missed opportunities. Remember – every day is a new beginning and you can start over.
Imagine a fly entering the room through an open window. She tries to get out, but it can’t, it starts banging again and again on the glass of the closed window. Watching it from the side, we would say, “Oh, how stupid it is, if it just flies slightly to the right, it will end up with the window open and it can go out.” The truth is that we (especially the second type of people) often look just like this fly. We try to achieve what we want in a certain way if we try, but nothing happens. We hope that the same actions will lead to a new result. If you are in a similar situation, just stop for a while and look around – can you try differently? Is there an opportunity you have missed so far?
We will work on all these points and open the borders and weight on us to start living in the flow.
I will give practices for relieving unnecessary and unnecessary responsibilities.
We will make constellations to relieve birth weights.
We will meditate to enter the stream.
I will give clear homework and guidelines on how to proceed afterward on your own and keep this flow with you permanently.
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, family therapist, author
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