27  2 min
I observe every day how women sabotage their own relationships because they do precisely the things that all men hate.
- Do everything alone – Because I don’t want to burden him!
Correct behavior: Of course, it is important to burden your man, that is why he is with you! Men need to do feats, to conquer, to win, and to solve all your problems! However, you also need to feel the confidence that you deserve it!
- Become a “workhorse” and be tired and exhausted all the time – That is right! Men need your energy and if you have become a workaholic, do not expect him to treat you like a lady.
Correct behavior: Stop right now and take a break, look out the window, make a few circles with your hips, relax your body, breath with the lower part of your belly. Feel what it is like to be a woman!
- You do not share your desires and longings – you expect that he must become a fortuneteller and guess what you want, right? Moreover, you usually play the “offended girl” who was completely misunderstood. Тhat way he will for sure feel bad being with you and will look for a happier woman who knows how to talk about her feelings and emotions.
Correct behavior: Tell him about your longings and desires kindly, gently, and specifically. Men are happy when you are happy, however, you also need to do something for them!
- Insult him and tell him that he is not worthy. You are saying it not only to him, you also share it with friends and relatives. So they all know what a hero you are and how you are struggling with this fool.
Correct behavior: Find something to admire about him with all your heart. He wants to be your hero. Yes, he may not be perfect, but he is trying, so encourage him!
- Show him that nothing is ever enough for you and you are impossible to satisfy! This attitude creates complexes!
Correct behavior: Stop being a child and grow up! Only children get offended, take responsibility for your choices.
Why do we do all these things? Because we have our traumas, pains, and fears and if we do not work on them, all our relationships are destined to fail!
What you can do?
I have developed for you a transformation system called Geisha – Happy woman! You can find more information about it here!
This is a deeply healing process and this time we are going to deal with our shadows as well! Get ready for changes and miracles to come into your life!
This is a proven system that works for 12 years already!
If you apply all the practices from the seminar your life will take a new direction!
Natalia Kobylkina
Psychologist, family therapist, author
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