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Mandala Practice for Love and Abundance

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Mandala is perfect for you because

All women carry feminine energy within. Sometimes, however, this feminine energy becomes neglected and suppressed. This leads women to step into their masculine, living in a world of stress, competition, and never-ending anxiety. You don’t have to live that way. You can align yourself with your feminine power and lead a happier, more successful life. It is possible. To do so, to return to your feminine self, you must step on the path of feminine happiness. Doing a Mandala practice is the first step on this new journey of yours. Don’t miss it!

  • Mandala dance is a deep practice that will help you work with your energy, your body, and your consciousness. In this way, you will be less preoccupied with your mind and return to your feminine body.
  • With the help of Mandala, you will align all your energies and heal your body and your soul.
  • You will harmonize your internal self with your external self and foster a sense of unprecedented inner peace.

What will you do?

Mandala is a powerful technique for awakening your divine feminine energy! 

When you do Mandala practices, you successfully boost your:

  • Femininity.
  • Physical and psychological health.
  • Inner harmony.
  • Youth.

In this way, you will turn off your brain and give your feminine centre a chance to shine. You will reconnect with your feminine power, aligning yourself with a powerful flow of energy and materializing all your dreams.

Who is this program for?

Mandala practices are excellent for all women, especially those who need to reconnect with your feminine power and boost your self-confidence.

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You want to live up to your feminine potential.
  • You experience sensual disbalance.
  • You lack joy and satisfaction in your life.
  • You have health problems, especially those related to your female reproductive organs.
  • You are pregnant and wish to prepare yourself for a smooth, easy birth.

With the help of this practice, you will release suppressed emotions, heal from traumatic experiences, and eliminate blockages in the sensual realm.

What's the program?

With the help of this program, you will:

  • Liberate yourself from physical and emotional blockages.
  • Experience an inflow of energy, feeling motivated to improve all areas of your life.
  • Increase their self-confidence and gain deep self-love.
  • Become more feminine, magnetic, and sensual.
  • Return to your feminine nature, eliminating intrustive thoughts and masculine models of behaviour.
  • Understand your values and grow more assertive.
  • Receive a lot more attention and care from men.
  • Establish better romantic, platonic, and familial relationships.
  • Attract desired events and manifest your dreams easily.

The recording of the practice will be valid for one month.

More information about this practice:

  • You should either wear an ankle-long dress or a skirt. If you don’t have one, you could also use a long scarf and wrap it around your midsection.
  • This practice is not recommended for women undergoing surgery over the last two years. It is also not for those who have arthritis, oncological diseases, and psychological disorders.

Women who practice Mandala incite many potent, positive changes in their lives! Don’t miss this chance to transform your world!

Who is the trainer?

Albena Milcheva

We are pleased to present to your attention Albena Milcheva – certified mandala dance coach for “Awakening of Female Energy” and “Female Transformation” at the Academy for Coaches under Diana Ananda and Natalia Ilyushko. Albena has lived in Dubai for many years, worked for a huge Arab corporation, and underwent numerous training in the corporate world. She has traveled throughout Asia to countries such as Indonesia, India, and Malaysia, attending various conferences. She turns back to her femininity and her true self at the moment…

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