15  3 min
Many of you come to me with the following complaint: “Everyone around me has their life together. They’re lucky, and I am anything but! Nothing is happening in my life!”
This conviction, I believe, has its roots in social media. Social media clothes reality in a beautiful veil, filtering the good from the bad, and only presenting the best aspects of one’s life. Of course, there’s also the fact that some people get things easily while others do not. This, however, is not due to having luck. It’s due to their ENERGY, their personal strength, and vibration!
Our vibration reflects our inner state. It’s a manifestation of our energetic field, which is shaped by our thoughts, actions, and emotions, as well as the people we spend time with and the places we visit.
Why does our vibration matter? As Albert Einstein once noted, “everything is energy and that’s all there is. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.”
Our Universe is made of various molecules that vibrate at different frequencies. Everything around us, both the tangible and the intangible, has a distinct vibration. When you vibrate on a high frequency, you feel light, happy, and calm. When you vibrate on a low frequency, you not only feel sad and confused, but you also bear troubling thoughts.
Opposites do not attract. On the contrary, similar energies attract each other. This means that those who live at a low vibration attract problems, troubles, and negative situations. If you want to enjoy love, health, and abundance, you need to keep your vibration as high as possible!
Here are a few simple ways to increase your vibrations:
- Be grateful: although you may doubt this, there’s always something to be thankful for. Be grateful for the life you have!
- Be generous: giving increases your energy. If you want to have more money, give some to charity. If you feel lonely, smile at people as they pass you by on the street.
- Forgiveness: when you feel hurt and insulted, even if you’re right to do so, you can relieve yourself from the pain and anger by giving forgiveness. Those who do their best always have the highest vibrations!
- Meditation and breathing practices.
- Love: express your love towards nature and your pet, as well as towards your friends and family. Love has the highest vibration of them all!
- Positive thinking: be aware of your thoughts. Learn to transition from negative thoughts into positive ones. You can do so by repeating mantras and positive affirmations.
- Surround yourself with beauty: walk outside. Beautify your working and your living space. Organize your home. Visit places (such as galleries, museums, and nice restaurants) whose beauty you can marvel at.
- Energize your body by consuming good food, such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid fried food, alcohol, and cigarettes. Drink a lot of water.
- Fill your mind with a high vibration by listening to music, watching movies, and reading books!
- Move your body. The more your body movies, the higher your vibration becomes. Turn sport into an everyday activity.
- Communicate with people who live at a high vibration. Surround yourself with those who motivate you to grow and develop. Let them love and support you!
To raise your vibration, you could always sign up for my course Living at High Vibration