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Igor Nezovibatko

Igor graduated theatre acting and directing in Russia and since then has 35 years on the scene, 25 years teaching acting and public speaking skills, 18 years of conducting business trainings.

Currently, Igor is fully engaged in training activities. He conducts open and corporate trainings in Moscow, greater Russia and abroad. He works and teaches independently. Igor also cooperates with professional training companies.

Igor regularly serves trainings to leading commercial companies. Among his clients are Auchan, L’OrĂ©al, Obi, Haldor Topce (Denmark) and many others.

For more than 15 years, he leads business trainings for leading MLM companies, including TianDe, Oriflame, Rewold, Haogang, NSP and many more.

Igor works both individually and in trainings in the field of public speaking art and emotional controls with prominent members of the social, business and political elite. He often participates in live television and radio broadcasts and program, in talk show. Igor provides webinars and on-line training sessions, however he prefers the live in person experience.

In 2006 Igor was awarded with “Best trainer on personal growth” in nomination category “Professional”, by the International Association for Personal Development.

Igor is author of numerous articles and books.

His distinct style is a mixture of game methods and practical physiology, personal life, theatrical and training experience, minimum theory and maximum practice, work with emotions, body and mind, effective methods of physical, psychological and emotional perfection.

He speaks Russian and French.