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You have everything necessary to achieve the desired relationships with your dream partner.
If you learn to harness your natural femininity correctly, you will be able to attract fulfilling relationships without sacrificing or suffering.
When we want to attract true love into our lives, we need to prepare the foundation properly. At this stage we will begin to:
Constellation practice: “Me and Love”
Healing meditation: “Clearing the old patterns, creating a new loving field, and inviting happy relationships into our lives.”
Constellation practice: “Me and My Partner”
Healing meditation: “Longings of my heart and unlocking the ability for intimacy and love”
Constellation practice: “Me and my sensuality”
Constellation practice: “Me and My Intimacy”
Healing meditation: “Opening my heart for love and relationships”
Constellation practice: “Me and My Happy Family”
Transformational Meditation: “I am the one for my partner”
Basic Plan
Price: $999