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and her dream team of life coaches
We offer you the option to sign up for 1 month to see the quality of the program for yourself. Experience the changes that will happen in your life in just 1 month, and imagine what could happen in 6 months. If you like it, you can sign up for the full 6-month program!
In 2024, I will offer JUST TWELVE of you the opportunity to work with me for 1month or 6 months. Aside from consulting with me, you will also receive guidance from some of the coaches who have fostered my personal growth.
Our astrologer analyses your natal chart, allowing us to craft a psychological plan based on your horoscope.
You attend a session with me, Natalia, in London or online. Over the course of three hours, we examine your tasks and goals. Each one of you will also receive a video—one that was created specifically for you—to help you visualize your current situation and conceptualize where you could be in half a year! At the end of the VIP Mentorship Program, you will get another personalized video, just so you can observe unbelievable progress you made in just six months!
Together, we will conceive your learning plan.
Every month, you will join two or three webinars or marathons. Synchronized with your personal learning plan, they will directly cater to your monthly objectives.
Every month, you will have a 90-minute consultation with me, Natalia. I will help you approach challenging issues and solve life problems. I will also give you your monthly work plans.
You will attend group therapy sessions with the remaining eleven participants in this program!
Bonus! Every participant in my VIP Mentorship Program will receive a recently updated e-book, Navigating Success, 5-Day challenge: Boost Your Money Flow and NLP for Money.
To inquire a preliminary 15-minute meeting with Natalia about the VIP Mentorship program, please contact
Success does not occur on its own. Without help, we may never even achieve success. With the right coaches, exercises, and personal convictions, however, success is within reach. Our VIP Mentorship Program will propel you forward, urging you to work hard, dream big, spread your wings, and reach unprecedented hights. You will achieve milestones you never thought possible!