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Workshop: The Living Heart

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Cold hearts are increasingly prominent. As I consult clients, I diagnose many of them with a “cold heart.”

Working with clients, I’ve come to notice what tools and practices work! Experience has shown me what to do to help my clients open their hearts and allow love, sharing, and vulnerability.

I remember my first client in 2009. She came to me with the following problem: she wanted to have a relationship but refused to take the risk of being vulnerable. She feared she could be rejected and abandoned. She asked me, “Natalia, is there a formula for success? How can I have a happy relationship?”

I looked at her and asked, “Do you think you can enjoy the sea if you swim in heavy, space-suit-like equipment?”

“No, of course,” she replied. She then took the risk to love. Since then, she’s had a happy relationship. She’s now married with a son, and I am so happy for her. I love her, just as I love all my other clients.

To figure out if you have a cold, closed heart, do the tests below. They’ll help you understand if your heart is open and ready for love or not.


Living with the open heart is the secret to a happy life. Are you willing to open your heart?

17 Sings You Have a Cold, Closed Heart:

  • Lack of emotions and the inability to trust people and the world. You’re closed off.
  • Lack of energy and incapability to bring things to an end. You are exhausted.
  • Feeling of loneliness. You feel alone even when you’re in the company of many people.
  • Financial limitations. You think you cannot do what others can.
  • Insecurity. You can’t stop worrying.
  • Attracting toxic people, gossip, and problems. You’re a magnet for troubles.
  • Feeling stuck and experiencing little to no joy, changes, and personal development. You lead a monotone life.
  • Disappointment with men or women and the conviction that people don’t love you. You feel used.
  • Fear of intimacy. You also attract partners who fear intimacy and attachment.
  • Rationalization: you avoid being vulnerable. You refuse to share your feelings and emotions with others.
  • Inability to seek issues within. You tend to blame others.
  • Low self-confidence. You’re judgemental towards yourself and others.
  • Psychosomatic illnesses, depression, worries, insomnia, persistent cough, and heart issues. You have health issues that you can’t solve.
  • A constant search for love, the ideal partner, and the meaning of life. You deny the existence of love and prefer to work a lot and focus on your career or on your children.
  • The proclivity to sacrifice yourself and put up with toxic behaviour and aggression. You often experience pity and fear.
  • Inability to enjoy bedroom activities with your partner. You worry and can’t switch your mind off during intimacy.
  • The feeling that you don’t have a personal life. You feel as if you’re floating through life, hoping for a change.

If your answer is “yes,” then give yourself one point. If the answer is “no,” don’t give yourself any points. Look at your answers and determine how many points you have.

If you have more than 13 points, your heart is cold and closed! This is the result of childhood trauma, cold or absent parents, and the loss of (or betrayal from) your loved ones. You’ve taken the decision that not feeling is better than feeling and getting hurt. Aren’t you lonely? Don’t you want to take a risk and open your heart? If so, welcome to our Workshop: The Living Heart where you will learn how to awaken your heart and allow yourself to love!

If you scored between 5 and 13 points, you have a wounded heart. You’ve experienced pain and suffering, but you’ve found a way to keep loving, to try again. You may not always trust people, and they may not gain your trust immediately, but you know how to give them chances and love! Keep it up! No matter how painful love can be it is also the best thing that may happen to us! Welcome to our Workshop: The Living Heart where you will learn how to open your heart and live in the realm of love.

If you scored less than 5 points, I congratulate you dearly! You have a beautiful, healthy, open heart! Love is your air! You tell people you love them quite often, and you let them in easily! You know what you want, and you obtain love easily!

10 Signs You Have an Open Heart:

  • You tell your loved ones “I love you” happily and easily!
  • You have a harmonious relationship with your loved ones.
  • You achieve your dreams easily!
  • You have a healthy, beautiful body. You’re energetic and hardly ever get ill.
  • You view money as something good, as something natural. You have enough.
  • You love having sex and you reach many orgasms!
  • You have a lot of friends, and your loved ones come to you seeking advice.
  • You love what you do. You find joy in your work and everyday activities. You find yourself to be useful.
  • You’re painfully honest, and you admit your feelings.
  • You adapt very easily, and you can feel happy anywhere.

If you have ten points, congratulations! You’re a happy person with an open heart! Your parents and relatives have done an amazing job, and they’ve taught you how to love and trust the world.
If you have less than five points, you need to work on your childhood traumas and allow your heart to shine again! To help you do so, I await you at our The Living Heart Workshop.

What's the program?

This Workshop has three modules:

  • Cold Heart – This module will show you how to understand and open your heart. You will allow yourself to feel, to allow closeness, tenderness, and affection. To do so, we will do practices and group constellations. We will help you understand how and why you closed your heart off in the first place. You will realize what event made you guard your heart. We will also work on establishing trust towards the Universe and our world.
  • Wounded Heart – This module will uncover traces of unsuccessful relationships and help you understand why you can’t let the past go. We will focus on eliminating past pain and healing your wounds. This will allow you to open your heart for yourself and for any future partners and fall in love again. We will also work on your ability to forgive and accept.
  • Sharing Heart – Once you’ve gathered enough energy, you will learn how to give love to your friends, partners, and colleagues. You will learn how to grow through the energy of love. You will understand how to live up to your potential and grow exponentially. You will become the happiest you’ve ever been!

Choose your best option:

Basic Bundle 

  • 3 x 90 minutes zoom meetings
  • Meditations, practices, homework tasks, and assignments
  • Access to recording for three months

Who is the trainer?

Natalia Kobylkina

Family therapist, psychologist, and author, Natalia Kobylkina has gained international fame for transforming lives! Throughout her career, she has helped people from over 150 countries. This has unsurprisingly won her the award "Most Influential Person on Social Media for 2018," among others. She deserves it, that's for sure! Natalia's dedication to changing lives, improving relationships, and helping establish new ones has made thousands happier. As effective as she is, Natalia always aims to tackle old trauma, eliminate blockages, and achieve a positive change in the…

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