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FREE Webinar! The Five Traumas that Stop You from Being Yourself!

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This session is perfect for you because...

It will help you reflect on your traumas, heal the pain of the past, and become an emotionally healthier individual! If you have experienced childhood trauma, or any sort of trauma later on in life, this free program will help you cope with it and free yourself from the shackles of the past!

What will you learn?

Information about the Roots of Trauma?

Throughout this webinar, you will familiarize yourself with the common causes of trauma and locate the roots of your personal trauma. You will understand that what traumatizes some merely fazes others. What is difficult for one can be purely traumatic for another. Nevertheless, by exploring the common roots of trauma, you will become more emotionally mature and better able to tackle your personal emotional struggles:

  • Physical and Emotional Violence
  • Physical and Emotional Harassment
  • Losing a loved one
  • Stress
  • Neglect
  • Breakups
  • Disillusionment: or, in other words, being unable to achieve what we hoped we would

Who is it for?

This program is for everyone who:

  • Desires to understand their personal trauma.
  • Wishes to explore the roots of their traumas.
  • Strives to overcome personal trauma.
  • Wants to become psychologically and physically healthier.

Register for this FREE webinar, learn how to become more psychologically resilient, and eliminate all that weighs you down!

You will also get the chance to ask a personal question and receive a helpful answer from Natalia.

What's the program?

This program will examine the five common types of trauma to help you better understand your own trauma and heal! We will focus on:

  • Rejection Trauma: this trauma leads us to feel unwanted. Under its influence, we often experience imposter syndrome and fear of being outcasted.
  • Abandonment Trauma: unconsciously propelled by this type of trauma, we never get too attached, preferring to jump from one relationship into the other. Leaving first, we find, is the only way to avoid abandonment.
  • The trauma of Masochism: this leads us to destroy ourselves. If we suffer from this type of trauma, we usually struggle to set boundaries and protect ourselves.
  • Betrayal Trauma: this type of trauma causes us to dread lies and cheating. We are often unable to trust others.
  • The trauma of Perfectionism: controlled by the evil grip of this trauma, we are stuck with self-limiting beliefs, thinking we are never good enough. We hardly ever appreciate our achievements, noting there is always something we could have done better.

Who is the trainer?

Natalia Kobylkina

Family therapist, psychologist, and author, Natalia Kobylkina has gained international fame for transforming lives! Throughout her career, she has helped people from over 150 countries. This has unsurprisingly won her the award "Most Influential Person on Social Media for 2018," among others. She deserves it, that's for sure! Natalia's dedication to changing lives, improving relationships, and helping establish new ones has made thousands happier. As effective as she is, Natalia always aims to tackle old trauma, eliminate blockages, and achieve a positive change in the…

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Recorded Webinar



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