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Your Guide to Unlimited Sales

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This session is perfect for you because...

All businesses rely on sales. In fact, it’s not just companies that rely on sales to make profits and revenue. People do so, too. You must know how to sell yourself; only then can you sell your product. Selling, as you will come to learn, is an intricate art. It needs to be learned and mastered. Learn the ins and outs of successful salespeople and magnify your sales. Now’s your time to thrive!

  • Learn how to present yourself (and your product) in the best light possible.
  • Learn how to price your products appropriately.
  • Learn how to sell yourself.
  • You deserve a lot more than you have! Now’s your time to cliam your success!

What will you learn?

Just a few years ago, I feared the word “sales.” It made me uncomfortbale. I never expected to become one of the best-known saleswomen in Bulgaria, much less to establish a million-dollar business.

My personal experience and research have taught me a ton about sales. One of the most important things I’ve learned is that in order to sell something, you’ve got to believe in it. You cannot sell a product unless you’d use it yourself!

Take this course and learn how to create valuable products, appreicate them, and paint them as luxurious necessities. Others cannot live without your products! Learn how to market and sell them effecitvely. Double, triple, and quadriple your revenues and establish the business of your dreams.

Now’s your time to become a skillful salesperson! Let me teach you how.

Who is it for?

This workshop is perfect for those of you who want to present and sell themselves more effectively. It is great for you if you know you have a talent but don’t know how to present and use it.

Take this course and learn how to be noticed, appreciated, and successful. You don’t want others to only half-value you, do you? You want to be under the spotlight, to make thousands of sales, to make millions! You want to be a star!

Learn the ins and outs of selling successfully. You can do this. Understand how here!

What's the program?

Course Curriculum:

  • The 5 secrets of selling successfully.
  • How to create your own story and become your personal PR.
  • How to determine your financial value and increase it.
  • How to sell yourself as an individual; how to sell yourself as a professional; and how these two differ.
  • How to attract personal and professional development or a new partner.
  • How to make sales in-person and online: trips and techniques.

Format: Online course – 2 two-hour sessions

  • Session 1: How to create a brand, find suitable clients, and influence others.
  • Session 2: How to make sales with ease, both on a personal and professional level.

Who is the trainer?

Natalia Kobylkina

Family therapist, psychologist, and author, Natalia Kobylkina has gained international fame for transforming lives! Throughout her career, she has helped people from over 150 countries. This has unsurprisingly won her the award "Most Influential Person on Social Media for 2018," among others. She deserves it, that's for sure! Natalia's dedication to changing lives, improving relationships, and helping establish new ones has made thousands happier. As effective as she is, Natalia always aims to tackle old trauma, eliminate blockages, and achieve a positive change in the…

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Don't miss out! Change your life NOW!

Recorded Webinar



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