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Eat with pleasure and lose weight!

Learn how to lose weight without hunger and exhausting workouts!

Willpower, dietary restrictions, and workouts are not always enough.

At the core of any change lies a change in the relationship with yourself!

Often, weight is just a symptom that we try to "treat" with diets and deprivation.

While it is just a call to look deeper.

But this requires courage!

Have you ever wondered how your weight came about?

What does it want to tell you?

What is stopping you from letting the weight go?

This webinar will help you unveil the story of your weight and start "fresh" with yourself.

Build an authentic relationship with food, much easier to manage.

The sustainability of our relationship with weight and food speeds up our metabolism. And we more easily and permanently rid ourselves of non-working myths and toxic beliefs, such as:

Discover how to love your body instead of punishing it.

This webinar is for people who:


Learn how to lose weight without hunger and exhausting workouts!

As a bonus, you will get some easy tips and tricks to enjoy food without deprivation, on your way to the desired body.

Eat with pleasure and lose weight!

Price: $69


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