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For information: Gabby | +44 7412 766627 |

26 – 29 July 2024

Geisha 1

VIP format

Seminar in Athens

We go after


Do you want to become a real Geisha? And do you want to become a real GODDESS?

I invite you on an unforgettable journey to Athens, where we will combine summer, sea, inspiration, and many emotions. You will no longer be the same!

What is this seminar about?

The true woman is happy, she radiates joy and light. She balances the desire to give and receive. Men feel energized and more successful around her, they want to show their masculine qualities when with her: to protect, to succeed, to give.
What does femininity mean? Femininity is something that comes from within, it is the manifestation of yin energy. We live in a masculine world where women are forced to be strong, fight to achieve their goals, and have career success. This is one of the reasons we can lose the connection with our femininity. This way we also lose our ability to feel alive and happy.

The good news is that women can receive everything they need and want without having to fight! Just by using their feminine energy.


This program is perfect for you if you:

What will you learn?

Why this is for you?

This program will introduce you to the secrets of happiness and positivity. Real women, as you will come to understand, are happy and joyful. They’ve mastered the balance between giving and receiving. Their presence energizes men, motivating them to be more successful–to work, to protect, to provide, and to love.

To become a real woman, you need to learn how to love unconditionally. You need to find harmony with your past, as well as with your feelings and your emotions. You need to establish faith in yourself, to believe you truly deserve the best things in life. Learn to give and to receive. Learn to live with ease.

What will we do?

Throughout the program, Natalia will help the six of you heal from emotional trauma, build trust in yourself, and prepare for love. You will learn:


VIP format

Please bring with you white clothes and a long skirt.

PROMOTIONAL PRICE $1300 until July 3rd, next $1700 PER PERSON

VIP Group 7 people only!

The price includes:

The price doesn't include:

For information: Gabby | +44 7412 766627 |


Don't miss out! Change your life NOW!