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A 7-day challenge:

A Return to the Path of Your Soul

Natalia Kobylkina

“Our task in life is to find our deep soul work and throw ourselves headlong into it.”

- Phil Cousineau -

What is this challenge about?

You see: we all carry a soul deep within us. Some believe that our souls are immortal entities that are reborn again and again, all until they finally learn what they’re here to understand. Usually, our souls have a path–a path that few of us manage to discover.

Those of us who fail to discover our soul path struggle.

Those of us who fail to discover our soul path struggle. They don’t live in the flow. They grow unmotivated and depressed. They also fail to materialize their dreams and live with ease. You don’t want to live like them anymore, do you?

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7-day challenge and:

Natalia Kobylkina

Sign up for this

7-day challenge and:


Penetrate a deeper, more ancient part of you and uncover the secrets of life.


Align yourself with the flow of the Universe by stepping on the path of your soul.


Grow healthier, happier, and more peaceful by rediscovering the whisper of your soul.


Start living with a sense of divine purpose, love, and acceptance.

“Our souls are our greatest guides. They hold the map to the maze of life! It’s time we heard their voice and lived by it.”
– Natalia Kobylkina –
What will you learn?
The aim of this challenge is rather simple… to help you awaken your inner God, also known as your soul, and help you follow its guidance, purpose, and path!
Just within the first few lessons, you will feel so much more aligned with your soul. You will start noticing the signs the Universe is giving you. You will no longer need to rely on other people’s opinions and advice; rather, you will have a deep trust in your own SOUL. Step by step, you will see your soul path stretching out in front of you, illuminating every big milestone that’s yet to come.
Give yourself a chance to locate your mission. Give your inner voice the lead role in your life.
Let your soul be your guide!
Natalia Kobylkina
Who is this challenge for?
Focused on deep, inner work, this challenge aims to help you hear the whisper of your soul and let it guide you forward. Take these 7 days to reconnect with your intuition, strengthen that inner voice, and step on your soul path.
This challenge is perfect for those of you who:

What will we do?

Dedicated to helping you unleash your inner power and establish greater trust in your intuitive abilities, this challenge is the key to a new chapter of your life–both as an individual and as a soul! Over these 7 days, we will dive into esoteric psychology and coaching to help you recoup your inner trust, step on your soul path, and claim your life purpose.

Together, we will:

What will we do?

Family therapist, psychologist, and author, Natalia Kobylkina has gained international fame for transforming lives! Throughout her career, she has helped people from over 50 countries. She’s travelled the globe, delivering seminars and changing faiths in different corners of this world.

Natalia Kobylkina

Natalia’s dedication to changing lives, improving relationships, and helping establish new ones has made thousands happier. As effective as she is, Natalia always aims to tackle old trauma, eliminate blockages, and achieve a positive change in the lives of her clients. Effectiveness is among Natalia’s core tenets! So are discretion, kindness, freedom, and love. A tenet which stands at the root of Natalia’s philosophy is giving love–and living through the energy of love, especially at those times when this is the last thing we would want to do.

Don’t miss this chance to flower into the magnificent, self-assured woman you were born to be!

A 7-day challenge: A Return to the Path of Your Soul



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