186  3 min
How I Achieved One of My Dreams and How You Can Do It Too? If you are reading this text, it means that I have achieved my dream to write, to reach more people with my texts, and to inspire them with courage.
So, you are reading the story of a dream come true.
Five or six years ago, I read an article in the “Eva” magazine for the first time, written by an author named Natalia Kobilkina. I don’t remember the topic; it was answers to readers’ questions related to relationships. I like such sections because they sound real to me. Again, I don’t remember the content. I just remembered her name. Later, I heard that the author organized seminars, including in my city, the “Happy Woman” seminar.
I associated the name with one of my favorite books, “Memoirs of a Geisha.” It’s a love story about a poor girl who, at the age of nine, is chosen by a gentleman to be trained in the ancient profession of geisha. So when the gentleman sees her for the first time, he says, “There is a lot of water in her eyes,” a phrase that was not very clear to me. Back then, I didn’t know that water is one of the elements (doshas).
Some time passed, and I enrolled in the “Happy Woman” seminar. It turned out that almost all the women there knew about “elements” and “doshas,” and alongside that, meditations, family constellations, and archetypes. I started to see things in a different way. “Before and after “Happy Woman” is a favorite phrase of many of my acquaintances.
A year later, again at “Happy Woman,” after a mission meditation (what to work on, what to focus on, how to understand what we are born for), astonishingly even for me, I said I wanted to become a writer! The truth is, I was surprised as if the words had come out of my mouth on their own. In front of me was my friend from fifth grade, who stared in amazement and laughed.
I am a doctor and a practicing one at that! I didn’t always “deserve” an excellent grade in literature. I’ve met such talents… Maybe I should have studied philology, and so on. Until now, I’ve only written prescriptions, protocols, and the like.
But I always loved to write letters from a young age, diaries, then haikus, “insights” on whatever came to mind. I had admirers, but also many critics.
Two years ago, I got over my fear and sent three texts to a creative anthology for doctors, without thinking whether I was talented or how much. I just got over my fear! And when I received a few copies of the anthology, I remembered that amazing confession from the “Happy Woman” – I want to become a writer.
Recently, I completed Natalia’s Coach Academy. One of the things I liked very much was the creative tasks – writing and creating. It was mandatory to publish, or else one could keep procrastinating indefinitely. I received encouraging feedback. These were signs to continue.
Last week, I attended a creative writing course. It was a wonderful moment – the freedom to express yourself and be accepted. But that will be another article…
So, if you have a dream that seems impossible right now, I know that dreams have their source inside you, even if your own mind is critical of them. (But here we shouldn’t confuse dreams with ambitions).
How do we discover our dreams?
One way is to look back to your childhood.
Dreams are freest there – playing, singing, dancing, sports, taking the stage. We can ask ourselves questions – what kind of child was I, what did I love to do, what did I receive praise for?
Another way to connect with your dreams is through nature.
There, dreams are also free. Walking along the seashore, climbing peaks, and rocks, swimming, wandering through the forests… The answers may “come on their own.”
If trusting a coach or psychologist sounds exotic to you, and people sitting in a lotus position or lying with their eyes closed in a group seem almost crazy, just listen to music and relax, listen to your inner voice. Write down your “insights.” That might be your unspoken dream!
Notice the people you admire.
(But don’t confuse admiration with envy). People are our mirrors, with both the good and the bad. In what others have achieved, you may recognize yourself.
Once you know what your dream is, it’s time to make it come true!
There are ways!
“If I can, you can too,” says Natalia.
If I can, you can too, I say to my close ones and my patients.
I will tell you in the next article! Until then, believe in yourself and be patient!
If you want to learn more about how to make your dreams come true, take the 2-day webinar “2-Days! How to Discover My Mission and Connect with Myself?”
With love,
Natalia Kobylkina