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Nicoleta I. Popliceanu

Nicoleta I. Popliceanu

Nicoleta Popliceanu is a leading authority in personal development, childhood trauma, toxic relationships, and meditation. She’s helped thousands experience the life-changing power of childhood trauma healing and is on a mission to raise awareness about the challenges faced by those with childhood trauma.

Accredited trainer, instructor, life coach, childhood trauma expert, motivational speaker, and author. Nicoleta speaks English and Romanian.

I teach others how to heal their childhood trauma, how to heal and recover for real from abuse, no matter how old are you, what you have lost, and how hurt you feel.
Say goodbye forever to toxic relationships and reach your truest potential, peace, and happiness.
Release genetic influences and old, unnecessary, and false beliefs about health, relationships, money, and work that stem from your past experiences.
Heal your relationship with yourself, life, others, and God so that you can thrive to levels beyond your wildest dreams.
Recover from codependency, depression, and anxiety and build relationships on healthy emotional and physical boundaries.
Leave the narcissist behind and stay ā€œgoneā€.

Area of expertise

  • Childhood trauma
  • Toxic relationships
  • Stress and depression
  • Anxiety
  • Femininity issues
  • Fear of public speaking
  • Fear of rejection in sales

Growing up with a narcissistic mother is not easy and leaves lasting mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical wounds upon a daughter: perfectionism, codependency, problems in relationships, attracting narcissistic men, low self-esteem, weak boundaries, people-pleasing, suicidal thoughts, urinary tract infection, etc.
I understand. I used to be that daughter.
Leaving a narcissistic relationship is likely to be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do but it is possible if you believe in the future you want. Even if your present is screaming at you to jump ship and swim for safer waters.
Finding a way to believe in your future does something magical: you take actions that support your dreams.

What to expect during an individual session?

An individual session allows individuals to release repressed challenging or painful memories, heal their childhood wounds, change problematic beliefs, identify their gifts, and remove unwanted unconscious patterns.
By digging under the surface, examining our blockages, and looking for our motivations, we can discover the sources of limitations that hold us back from the lives we really want to live.


  • ThetaHealing Instructor, Multiple ThetaHealing Instructor Classes, Croatia, Greece, USA, 2013-2017
  • ThetaHealing Practicant, Multiple ThetaHealing Practitioner Classes, Romania, Greece, Serbia, 2012 ā€“ 2021
  • Growing a spiritual practice, Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Greece, 2016
  • Unlimited Abundance, Christie Marie Sheldon, 2016
  • High-Performance Academy, Brendon Burchard, 2017
  • Narcissistic abuse recovery program, Melanie Tonia Evans, 2017
  • Message to Millions, Ted McGrath, 2018

Deeply moved customer reviews:

Nicoleta restored my inner strength and power, and my self-esteem, and lifted my spirits when I was in a terrible mood and I could no longer manage my pain! I relearned to love myself, to value myself, I remember my self-worth and to enjoy life again!

I have Coccydynia. My symptoms started 6 years ago. I have participated in several physical therapies, treatments for tailbone pain, infiltrations, recovery exercises, and chiropractic, however, I did not have pain relief. The main idea is that every morning, I used to get out of bed on my hands and knees like a child. Yesterday, in the evening, I practiced your meditation. After a couple of minutes, my 3-4 years old inner child appeared, when my father started beating my sister. I intervened so he would let her go. He kicked me so hard that I fell on the floor sitting. I definitely had forgotten that memory! My Adult Self gave a hug to my inner child, comforting her and she asked me to put my arms of love around her back pain, caused by my father. I just sat there with her in her suffering. After meditating I fell asleep. The next morning, I got out of bed normally!! Praise the Lord! Thank you, Nicoleta!

Dear Nicoleta!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for everything!

Gabriel (my 4-year-old son) is feeling better!

He stopped running a fever and started eating better. You are a miracle and I’m glad I met you! Changed unconscious negative patterns. Increased the quality of your life. Opened new doors and allowed new opportunities by activating your forgotten gifts

Sign up for a session with Nicoleta I. Popliceanu:Ā HERE >