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Joanna Lingam

Shamanic coach, Female Trainer, ThetaHealing Practioner

Over the past 6 years Joanna has successfully worked with women from all walks of life to help them overcome limiting beliefs and traumas. For many clients this has led to a growth in business success, healthy relationships, self- confidence and financial abundance.

With a background in law, she is a business consultant, Advanced ThetaHealing® practitioner and a Shamanic Soul Retrieval practitioner. Having realised that many women stay stuck in personal and professional roles that they are dissatisfied with, she began combining spiritual methods with practical techniques to help women release old paradigms and overcome limiting beliefs. She has helped countless clients to end limiting ancestral and childhood patterns and to uncover their true passions for life. Some of the many issues that she has helped women to overcome are- emotional and physical abuse, depression, co-dependency, sexual trauma, imposter syndrome, lack of financial abundance and lack of self confidence.

She specialises in helping women to rediscover their true dreams and ambitions in life, and most importantly, she empowers clients to makes their dreams a reality. For many, this means working with the divine feminine and masculine energies to let go of old identities, whilst using proven methods to reprogram the mind for success and fulfilment in all areas of life.