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Academy for


Host: Natalia Kobylkina

Many of you asked me to create a program and teach you how to lead constellations. I sense both you and I are ready for this challenge! Here comes our Academy for Constellations!

Who is this program for?

Constellations can solve the following problems:

I’ve seen people change during constellations hundredths of times.


Preparation for constellations.

Constellations: rules and commonly made mistakes.

Constellations: techniques and practices.

Family constellations: relationships between parents and children.

Diagnosis of the family system & posing the right questions.

Leading a constellation and understanding the arising system.

The laws of the family system: violations, problems, and solutions.

Ending a constellation: when and how to end one.

Hosting a consultation for constellations & selecting the right representatives for a constellation.

Creating a genogram and coming up with hypotheses for therapy.

This course consists of a deeply therapeutic process, which will allow you to work through your personal traumas and issues, thus taking your family system to a new level. Following this program, you will know how to do basic constellations for both your clients and people who require your help. Constellations can be performed both for individuals and for groups.

In order to participate, you must have completed my Academy for Coaches.

Academy for Constellations

$ 499
  • Six 2-hour-long sessions with Natalia Kobylkina.
  • Homework tasks and assignments
  • What's Up support group
  • Certificate (after successfully completed exam)


$ 899
  • Geisha One (cost $199)
  • Geisha Two (cost $199)
  • Academy for Coaches (cost $1999)
  • Academy for Constellations I (cost $1499)

Here’s what this program’s alumni say:

Snejana Gospodinova
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“I’ve been interested in family systems and constellations for a while. This program helped me pursue that interest, enabling me to learn so much about the laws and rules of family systems. Thanks to this program and Natalia’s amazing teaching skills, I’m ready to proceed to the next level.”
Dentisa Stefanova
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“I feel as if I finally found what I’ve been looking for my entire life. I feel more confident—certainly happier and more at peace. I feel inspired! I now dream big! I want. And I receive!”
Mikhaela Chakalova
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“This program was amazing! I am grateful that both my family and my clients will be able to heal their traumas through this life-changing method. It’s beyond effective! Some of my clients have already started sharing feedback with me, saying their lives have begun to change!”
Nina Kawaldjieva
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“This was great! I learned so much about family systems and familial relationships. I am now applying my knowledge to help my clients.”
Tsvetelina Mateeva
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“This program enriched my knowledge about constellations and expanded my skills. I now use a better, more effective method to lead constellations. This has helped me tremendously.”
Ekaterina Zakharieva
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“This was a positive experience. It awakened many questions, whose answers I am yet to find.”
Tsvetormira Miteva
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“Dear Natalia, I congratulate you and your team! I’m so grateful to you! I’ve followed you for over a year! I’ve attended your courses and seminars. I’ve fulfilled my dreams, accumulated savings, and achieved my goals (including obtaining a higher education degree). Thanks to you, I left my comfort zone and took risks! Thanks to you, I won so many times! I also eliminated a poor habit I used to have, and I did so with ease. Natalia, you inspired me to analyse myself. Following every marathon I attend, I feel drawn to reflect on myself and improve myself. Thanks to you, I left my previous job (in healthcare) and found a new one! I now care for people’s mental health—for the health of their souls! I started leading constellations and realized I was actually good at that! They helped both me and my clients recognize so much about ourselves. This was so thrilling! Of course, I could learn so much more! I want to learn more! I have re-watched your lectures. Every time I do so, I discover new things! I make new notes! I would love to meet you in person in Vienna, just so I could sense your energy. I’d also love to attend the second level of this Academy for Constellations. I wish you and your team to keep doing what you do! Thank you for inspiring us and helping us grow! Good luck! You’re wonderful!”

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